Auto Note Payment Streaming

Payment Stream

You may not want to sell any of your BHPH Auto Notes. But you still need some cash flow to buy more inventory or just to cover expenses. You might want to consider a auto note payment stream.

A payment stream is getting an advance on a future number of payments, 6, 9 or 12 months.

Here are some examples
Assuming your payments are $300.00 a month and you have 15 accounts for payment streaming.

1. $300 x 15 = $4500 in monthly payments.

2. $4,500 x 6 Months of payments = $27,000.00

3. An 82% advance would provide $22,140.00
In Capital

Assuming payments are $300.00 a month and you have 15 accounts for payment streaming.

1. $300 x 15 = $4,500 in monthly payments.

2. $4,500 x 9 months of payments =$40,500.00

3. An advance of 78% would provide $31,500.00
In Capital

Assuming payments are $300.00 a month and you have 15 accounts for payment streaming.

1. $300.00 x 15 = $4,500 in monthly payments.

2.$4,500 x 12 = $54,000 in monthly payments.

3. An advance of 73% would provide $39,420.00
In Capital

At the end of the auto note payment stream period. You have a few options. You can take the accounts back and continue to collect on them. You can re-stream the eligible accounts again. Or you can sell them outright.
These are just examples and your actual percentage on your auto note payment stream could be higher. If you would like to find out more about payment streaming.

Please give us a call @ 615-414-6708

Sell BHPH Auto Notes